string interpolation

string interpolation

You are currently viewing a revision titled "string interpolation", saved on 2020-04-18 오전 12:25 by 야곰
string interpolation
문자열 보간법. 상수(constant), 변수(variable), 리터럴(literal), 표현(expression) 등의 문자열 표현을 더 긴 문자열 안으로 삽입하는 것 혹은 과정. The process of inserting string representations of constants, variables, literals, and expressions into longer strings.
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문자열 보간법. [상수(constant)](/docs/constant), [변수(variable)](/docs/variable), 리터럴(literal), 표현(expression) 등의 문자열 표현을 더 긴 문자열 안으로 삽입하는 것 혹은 과정. The process of inserting string representations of constants, variables, literals, and expressions into longer strings.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
2020-06-02 오전 10:38 야곰
2020-04-17 오후 3:25 야곰

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